Customer Testimonials
"We found that there were a few other database auditing products out there that claimed similar types of results as SoftTree's DB Audit, but SoftTree was very responsive in dealing with our requirements and assisting us in setting up a system that supported our requirements. Once we evaluated DB Audit, we knew that this was the product that could solve our problems. In addition, DB Audit not only addressed our specific requirements, SoftTree's technical staff was very knowledgeable and the product was extremely cost effective."
John Shaffer,
Director of Global Systems and Technology,
Greenhill & Co
"We were doing the auditing only once a quarter due to the time and resources associated with the manual effort and this was making it extremely difficult to get accurate data on administrator user account auditing. We chose DB Audit because of its pricing, smaller footprint, and ease of installation, and maintenance as well as its built-in canned reports, which adhere to both COBIT and SOX compliance. We are now able to do auditing on a weekly basis, monthly basis, or even a quarterly basis in a much more efficient and effective manner."
Rick Kamble,
Senior Manager of Global Data and System Services,
Jacobs Engineering
"We are not only extremely happy with DB Audit internally, but our external auditors are "thrilled to death" with it as the product has improved our database auditing by making us compliant and allowing us to complete the auditing process in much less time. It's a "lights out" process, it works under the database level and it is completely controlled. DB Audit is a solid product and one, which has more than served our unique needs. SoftTree Technologies' experienced staff walked us through the project to insure that all of the requirements were being met and once the project was completed we had access to "after sale support" staff who always provided us with excellent support and customer service."
Randy Newburn,
Software Engineering Manager,
Hill Phoenix Refrigeration
"We depend on 24x7 heavily for our corporate environment. We purchased it originally to automate wire transfer operations. The original wire transfer job still runs today in 24x7, but now there are 200 to 300 additional jobs running with 24x7's help at any given point in time. It seems with each new week something comes up, and we just create a 24x7 script to handle it. Anywhere where automation or communication can occur, then we use it for that. I know I couldn't find something else at such a reasonable cost."
Mike Mather,
VP of Systems & Programming Manager,
Republic Bank & Trust
"We needed a task scheduler more robust than just Windows Scheduler to schedule an hourly push of air quality data to a Web server. The Air Pollution Control Division needed a solution to get the most current data to the Web server as quickly as possible. It also sends an email to a list of 350 news agencies every day when an air advisory is posted. We choose 24x7 Automation Suite because it was very accessible, easy to set up, and SoftTree provided fully functional evaluation software. It would have been impossible to accomplish what we needed to accomplish without it."
Brian Blaser,
IT/GIS professional,
Colorado Department of Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division