[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Sending email via Lotus Notes or cc:Mail
This document illustrates how to send email from the 24x7 Scheduler using DDE to Lotus Notes or cc:Mail.
The following code uses DDE with Lotus Notes to show how to Lotus mail-enable 24x7 Scheduler. Lotus cc:Mail recognizes the same DDE commands.
First, check the LotusMail group in WIN.INI to find which mail program is installed and
its execution path. The entry for cc:Mail should look something like this:
Program=c:\ccmail\wmail.exe SendMail
For Notes:
Dim MailProgram, string
Dim Channel, number
Dim MailIsNotRunning, boolean
Dim ProcessHandle, number
IniFileGetKey "win.ini", "LotusMail", "Program",
//Try conversing with Notes to see if it is already active...
DDEOpen "Notes", "SendMail", Channel
//If Notes not running, start it
IsLess Channel, 1, MailIsNotRunning
If MailIsNotRunning MAIL_RUNNING
Run MailProgram, "", ProcessHandle
Wait 60
DDEOpen "Notes", "SendMail", Channel
// check if DDE channel was opened
IsLess Channel, 1, MailIsNotRunning
If MailIsNotRunning MAIL_RUNNING
LogAddMessage "Failed to open channel to
Lotus Notes or cc:Mail"
//Here if Notes is active, so start a new message in Notes
DDEExecute Channel, "NewMessage"
DDEExecute Channel, "To username@domain.name"
DDEExecute Channel, "CC cc_username@domain.name"
DDEExecute Channel, "Subject Message from 24x7 Scheduler"
DDEExecute Channel, "Text This is message text"
DDEExecute Channel, "AttachFile c:\temp\test.txt"
DDEExecute Channel, "Send"
// Done, disconnect from Notes.
DDEClose Channel