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Use RunAs utility to execute a program from command line using a different user account.
RunAs is command line utility that can be used to run a program under different user account.
RunAs is similar to the Windows 2000/XP native RunAs utility, but it has some distinct features making it more usable then the native version:
Here is the help screen containing complete description and examples
Usage: RunOne <user> <password> [/V] <program name>[parameters]
Command line parameters:
User | Username in form DOMAIN\USER (for local accounts use .\USER format) |
Password | Password for the user account |
/V | Optional parameter. If specified binds the process to the interactive user Desktop. (Use this parameter when starting interactive programs from services) |
program name | Name of the program file to launch. If the name includes spaces enclose the entire name in double quotes. |
parameters | Optional command line parameters that you want to pass to the program. |
Run RunAs.exe without parameters from the DOS command prompt to see full description of the supported parameters.