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Schedule 24x7 Scheduler automatic restart
Method 1 (24x7 Scheduler v2.0 and up)
// Create new "script type" job. Select ob Automation Language for the script type.
// Copy and paste the following script. Set the job schedule as desired.
Dim old_pid, number
Dim new_pid, number
ProcessGetID "24x7.exe", old_pid
Run "24x7", "", new_pid
ProcessKill old_pid
Method 2 (This method is more reliable but requires 24x7 Scheduler v3.1 and up)
// Create new "script type" job. Select ob Automation Language for the script type. Make sure the job is not run detached.
// Copy and paste the following script. Set the job schedule as desired.
Dim old_pid, number
Dim new_pid, number
Call "kernel32.dll", "GetCurrentProcessId", "uu", True, 0, old_pid
Run "24x7", "@V"24x7_home"", new_pid
ProcessKill old_pid